The crowd goes wild when legendary musician Neil Diamond performs a live rendition of “America”

Paying homage to your family members is a wonderful way to recognize them and demonstrate your love for them. Neil Diamond, the legendary singer-songwriter, was able to do this on a particular anniversary.

Diamond’s grandma moved from Kyiv to America by land. Neil chose to pay tribute to her by playing the appropriately named song “America” at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.

The song first appeared in the 1980 film The Jazz Singer. It didn’t take long for it to reach and maintain the top of the rankings. Neil pulls the audience to tears with his moving narrative about his heroic grandma.

He speaks about her accomplishments, her courage, and how she has motivated him to pursue every ambition he has ever had.

When the song ends and transitions into “My Country ‘Tis Of Thee,” the audience goes crazy, and we can understand why.

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