Adorable Flower Girl Gives Hilarious Speech About What Life Was Like When She Was A Baby

If there’s something other than the food that I look forward to at weddings, it has to be the speeches. Some people can’t sit through speeches specifically dedicated to the bride and groom, but I think they’re so personal and fun to listen to! Because really, when else will you get to know of some of the embarrassing things the bride and groom have possibly done?

It’s so normal for us to see parents, siblings, and friends up on stage once the bride and groom have done their grand entrance and taken a seat at the front of their reception. However, the night gets a little more special when there are children have also prepared a little something to share with the special couple and all the guests. Something similar happened in the video shared below.

Now I can’t be sure that this was a pre-planned speech, but it seems like the little girl who takes the stage is very comfortable in front of an audience and therefore, a born performer! Just as someone is announcing the speeches on the mic, a little 4-year-old girl takes center stage and starts talking about when she was a “baby.” All the attendees are in fits of laughter right from the get-go.

Listen to her audience as she continues to talk about her life as a baby and what happened when she was born. It’s simply adorable!

Do you have any funny speech stories you’d like to share? Tell us about them in the comments below!

Don’t forget to click on the link and watch the little girl’s speech for yourself. If you laughed as much as we did, then don’t forget to like and share this post with family and friends!

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